Meet Dr Pascal X. Pinto
GDC Registration 285238
Dr Pascal X. Pinto born in 1964 East Africa, passed his BDS in 1986 and did his Postgraduate training at the Royal London Hospital and Dental Institute. Was Specialist Registrar Oral Surgery, Barts and the London NHS Trust and Research Fellow Sint Jan Hospital Brugges, Belgium. Over three decades of experience in Clinical Dentistry with Special interest in Implantology, Surgical Endodontics and Oral Surgery.
Currently Honorary Lecturer in the Centre for Teaching and Innovation within the Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London and Visiting Professor Oral Surgery and Implantology KLE University, India. Married to Sherryl he enjoys swimming, dancing and walking the great English countryside!:
BDS (University of Bombay)1988
MDS (O Surg University of Bombay)2001
FDSRCS(Eng) 2005

Book An AppointmentÂ
Call: 01929 462269
1 Chalk Pit Lane, Wool near Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6DW
Working Hours
Monday (Closed)
Tuesday - Thursday (9am to 6pm)
Friday (9am to 2pm)