De-Waal Specialist Periodontics
I have had the privilege to complete some excellent, “state of the art”, hands-on courses focusing on all aspects of Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, including becoming a select member of the Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation Academy, based in Alhambra, California.
Patients with gum recession and receding gingiva around their teeth, will benefit greatly from the patented, innovative Chao technique, that is performed without any scalpel incisions or “stitches”, assuring an extremely quick and comfortable recovery time after the procedure with excellent aesthetic results. ( https://www.pinholesurgicaltechnique.com )
I have just finished (April 2017) a 4 days hands-on course of the Khoury brothers, on Advanced Bone Regeneration at the Bob Lamb IDEA Institute in San Francisco.

Book An Appointment
Call: 394-288-2168
067 Bogisich Shore, NY
Working Hours
Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm.
Free Consultation
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